Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hi Anna!

WOoo Alicia is getting hitched this Sat! Please make sure you post pictures (if Alicia doesn't mind!!!!) I'm SOO excited for her!! I hope it is a beautiful sunny day too :)

It hasn't been cold enough to snow in London yet. I don't know how they manage to freeze the ice for the outdoor skating arena but I love the idea of it! Today was the coldest day I think but it has been around maximum 10C and minimum of 7C. I've started to come down with a cough thanks to last Saturday night and not getting enough sleep. I can't remember what winter is like in Perth. Is the maximum around 10C as well or does it warm up during the day?

Amazing nails! Talk about shiny! Your volleyball photos remind me of ball photos in Year 12 because of the fake backdrop.

Anyway not much to report on my side of things. The children at school are learning about the Great Fire of London. It reminded me that one of the things I wanted to do here was to learn more about London's history and this weekend if I have time, I might spent a couple of hours in there.

I also made amazing pasta and glad I made a huge batch because I've been having it the last 3 nights and am not sick of it yet!

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