Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dead Sea antics

Hi Anna!!

One week later after arriving back from Jordan I've finally sorted through some of my photos.

These are my favourite from the Dead Sea.
Someone tell me, am I the first ever to plank in the Dead Sea?

If reading/ planking is not for you, try a circle formation and chant for five minutes OR er.... stand up?

Or if you're silly enough to come to the Dead Sea and not even get into it, you could try this!  For 3 JDR= 5 AUD cover yourself in Dead Sea mud!

But make sure you cover yourself as well as these Indian guys or you might look like you're wearing a turtle neck. They sure know what they were doing! Ridiculously funny every time I look at it.
I managed to get some water in my eye and it stung like mad!!! Not to mention the taste of the water, it was incredibly bitter. I imagine this was from all the salts and minerals. Lauren laughed at me the rest of the day because I didn't rinse my hair (thanks to freezing cold showers) and there was salt dandruff all over my hair. No one complained of having a bland tasting lunch otherwise I would've volunteered to shake my saltdruff over their meal :)

PS. You look GORGEOUS in the feather pics! I love it! Can't stop telling you that :p

PPS. Good luck with your new job :D

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